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Mycotoxin prevention solutions
What are mycotoxins?
What are mycotoxins and which kind of mycotoxins exist?
Mycotoxin detection and analysis methods
Mycotoxin prevention
Mycotoxins sampling in raw materials
Effects on animals
Effects of Mycotoxins in Poultry
Effects of Mycotoxins in Swine
Effects of Mycotoxins in Ruminants
Effects of Mycotoxins in Aquaculture
Mycotoxins in Raw Materials
Higher prevalence and co-occurrence of aflatoxins, fumonisins, and emerging mycotoxins in 2024-harvested corn from 18 countries
Biodetoxification – Using enzymes to neutralize mycotoxins
Addressing the gaps in mycotoxin management – Challenges and strategies for South America’s poultry industry
Gut microbiota as both target and protector against mycotoxin toxicity
Mycotoxins in Southeast Asia: Risks from imported feed ingredients
Mycotoxin management in dairy cows: enhancing health, performance and milk safety
Mycotoxins and climate change: is agribusiness ready for the impact?
Oxidative stress due to mycotoxins in poultry production – What are their effects and what can we do?
Effects of mycotoxins on sow reproduction and health
The risk of mycotoxins in Pet Food
Biomarkers of mycotoxins exposure in swine
Mycotoxin contamination in various fiber sources
Mycotoxins – A great threat to a functioning rumen
Biodegradation of fusarial toxins associated with food and feed
Analysis of 34 mycotoxins using Agilent 6460C LC-MS/MS
Food, feed, and the future – A growing challenge for farmers
Multiple mycotoxins detected in 2023 harvested wheat and barley
Mycotoxicosis in shrimp – Mechanisms and influences
The impact of mycotoxins on the immune status of ruminants – Consequences on disease susceptibility and vaccine efficacy
Yeasts and their components as feed additives against mycotoxigenic fungi in poultry production
Remediation of emerging mycotoxins using a Premium product
In vitro testing as a tool for evaluating the efficacy of mycotoxin binders – A systematic review
Higher occurrence of Fusarium mycotoxins detected in feed materials/feed samples from Brazil
New approaches to evaluate the efficacy of mycotoxin adsorbents
Mycotoxin bioremediation in feedstuff – The role of microbial detoxification
The effects of Fumonisins on animals and strategies for remediation
Mycotoxins in ruminant animals – Symptoms, lesions, and pathogenesis from a clinical point of view
Use of mycotoxin adsorbents for detoxifying farm animals – What are adsorbents and how do they combat mycotoxins?
Four pig farms before and after feeding Minazel Plus
Mycotoxins in animal feed – How will Climate Change completely shift the present perspective?
Initial glimpse of mycotoxin levels in 2022 harvested corn from Southeast Europe
Molecular approaches for the early detection of mycotoxigenic fungi in feeds and feed matrix
Insights on mycotoxins in aquaculture – A review of the role of mycotoxin adsorbing agents for aquafeed decontamination
The effects of mycotoxins on boar semen
A preventive approach based on mycotoxin analysis
Insights on mycotoxins in aquaculture – A review of the impact of mycotoxins on aquatic species
Higher prevalence of Aflatoxins and Fumonisins in 2021 harvested corn from Asia
Mycotoxins and their impact on human and animal health
2021 Global Mycotoxin Survey of corn harvested in19 countries
Probiotics – Next-Generation Therapeutics against mycotoxicosis and other microbial complications in the poultry industry
Don’t miss out on the Webinar “Impacts of climate change on mycotoxins and food/feed safety: do we know enough?”
Effects of regulated and emerging mycotoxins in ruminants
Multiple mycotoxins detected in corn, soya and sorghum samples from Argentina, Chile, Bolivia and Colombia in 2021
Endotoxins in feed and their relation to mycotoxins
Dominance of Fumonisins and Aflatoxins in aqua feed samples from 10 countries
Mycotoxins survey of 2021 harvested corn from different regions of Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, and Croatia
The effects of mycotoxins on poultry intestinal health
Multiple mycotoxins detected in corn, soya and sorghum samples from Bolivia, Columbia, Argentina and Chile
Presence of 31 mycotoxins in pig feed in Spain
Effects of Minazel Plus on Aflatoxin B1 and Ochratoxin A mycotoxicosis in broiler chickens
Mycotoxins – How do they get into aquafeed?
Review of investigations regarding mycotoxin control in poultry throughout the years
Endotoxins and their adsorption using Minazel, Minazel Plus and MycoRaid
Mycotoxins in feed – An underestimated challenge for the aquafeed industry
Multiple mycotoxins detected in corn harvested on four continents in 2020
Effects of the main mycotoxins on poultry production parameters
MycoRange – The ultimate app for mycotoxin risk and product application assessment
Clinical and patho-anatomical effects of mycotoxins in animals
Fumonisins – The underrated mycotoxins in poultry, livestock and humans
Mycotoxins analysis – Essential pillar for mycotoxins control and prevention
Mycotoxins and disruption of vaccination efficacy in swine
Mycotoxins effects and mechanisms of immune modulation in swine
Mycotoxins detected in wheat and barley harvested in Serbia in 2019 and 2020
Mycotoxins in aquaculture – Underestimated but unavoidable problem
Reflections on mycotoxicosis
Mycotoxins in dairy cattle
Feed preservatives for mould and mycotoxins control – Are they resilient enough?
Fumonisins – Do we know the risks?
The effects of mycotoxins on swine reproduction
Multiple mycotoxins detected in corn harvested in 2019
Harnessing the potential of MINAZEL PLUS to improve production parameters and reduce the negative effects of mycotoxins in broilers
Effects of mycotoxins on animal health and productivity
Biomonitoring mycotoxins in production animals – Perspectives & Challenges
Co-occurrence, modified mycotoxins, emerging mycotoxins and interactions
Mycotoxins detection – Unleashing the potential of the LC-MS/MS based method
Multiple mycotoxins detected in corn samples received from five continents between October 2018 and March 2019
The effects of mycotoxins on swine health
Mycotoxins – Risk management for reducing the problem
In vitro & in vivo studies on MINAZEL PLUS
Effect of mineral adsorbents in poultry production
Efficacy of mineral and organic adsorbent in alleviating harmful effects of Zearalenone on pigs performance and health
The Importance of mycotoxins analysis
Analysis of mycotoxins in feed materials
Mycotoxins in Meat and Meat Products
Effects of a MMDA on the health and performance of weaned pigs under combined dietary exposure to DON and ZEN
Prevention of mycotoxin toxicity in Nile Tilapia with modified clinoptilolite
Zearalenone degradation using Aeromicrobium
Advanced multi-mycotoxin analysis with Agilent 6460c LC-MS/MS
Efficacy of OMC and MMDA against the combined effects of aflatoxins, fumonisins, and zearalenone in weaned pigs
Enzymatic decontamination of Deoxynivalenol
Metagenomic-based bioprospecting for novel mycotoxin-degrading enzymes to keep food and feed safe
Effects of supplemented MMDA in laying hens fed AFB1 and T-2 toxin contaminated feeds
Benefits of Minazel Plus® and MycoRaid for the survival, growth, feed utilization, and disease resistance of Nile Tilapia fed with low levels of Aflatoxins
Effectiveness of a novel multicomponent mycotoxin detoxification agent in the presence of AFB1 and T-2 toxin in broiler chicks
Microbial degradation of DON and ZEN in animal feed to reduce carryover from animals to humans
Effect of modified clinoptilolite to counteract the deleterious effects of Ochratoxin A on egg production and quality
Degradation of Deoxynivalenol using Devosia lucknowensis NCIMB 30593
Remediation of toxins in the food chain using a novel mycotoxin detoxifying agent (MMDA)
Degradation of mycotoxins using Bacillus sp.
Trends in mycotoxin contamination in maize samples harvested in Europe, Africa, Asia and South America between 2018 and 2020
The effects of dietary clinoptilolite on the growth performance of Gilthead sea bream in a recirculating aquaculture system
Evaluation of the efficacy of mycotoxin adsorbents in a model of everted broiler duodenum
Efficacy of a modified clinoptilolite-based adsorbent against the detrimental effects of Ochratoxin A in laying hens
Efficacy of MYCORAID (MMDA) against Aflatoxin B1 and Ochratoxin A-induced mycotoxicosis in broiler chicks
Effects of modified clinoptilolite zeolite on growth performance, health and detoxification of Aflatoxin B1 and Ochratoxin A in broilers
Efficacy of a multicomponent mycotoxin detoxifying agent on concurrent exposure to Zearalenone and T-2 Toxin in weaned pigs
Transformation of Aflatoxin B1 and Zearalenone using an evolved high-redox potential laccase
Organically modified clinoptilolite (OMC) decreases toxic effects of mycotoxins in whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei)
Mycotoxin removal by enzymatic detoxification
Adsorption and desorption studies using Organically Modified Clinoptilolite
The effect of natural zeolite on fattening lamb’s production results
Thyroid gland hormones in newborn calves treated with clinoptilolite receiving different amounts of colostrum
Haematological and biochemical parameters of weaned piglets fed on fodder mixture contaminated by Zearalenone with the addition of clinoptilolite
Comparative investigation of the efficacy of three different adsorbents against OTA-Induced toxicity in broiler chickens
Zeolita in Acquacultura
Aflatoxins in milk
Development of a Multi Mycotoxins Analysis Method for Animal Feed Samples Using Agilent 6460 LC-MS/MS
Dr. Goran Grubješić – Advancing mycotoxin management and animal nutrition
Irene Teixido – The future of mycotoxin research
Dr. Panagiotis Tassis – Pioneering mycotoxin control and shaping future generations in swine health
Dr. Sabry El-Khodary – Bridging the gap between veterinary medicine and mycotoxin management in ruminant health
Dr. M.Y. Sreenivasa – Revolutionizing Mycotoxin Control: Innovations in Biocontrol Strategies
Marko Vasiljević – Innovating mycotoxin management: pioneering solutions for sustainable livestock production
Dr. Zoila Coloma – Exploring the Frontiers of Veterinary Science: Insights into Mycotoxin Specialization
Eman Zahran – Navigating Aquaculture’s Mycotoxin Maze: Strategies for Sustainable Solutions
Ercument Genc – Commitment to sustainability, innovation, and adaptability in the face of mycotoxins and Climate Change challenges
Sabry A. El-Khodary – Experiences in the field with mycotoxins and mycotoxicosis
Sampling protocol for the detection of mycotoxins in feed factories – A Practical guide
Ercument Genc – Ethical and sustainable management practices at the heart of the aquaculture industry
Antonio Gallo – Ruminant nutrition at the core of mycotoxin contamination and carry-over prevention
Dr. Eman Zahran – Current insights into fish diseases and management
Alejandro Wust Success Story against mycotoxins in swine with Minazel
Dr. Dušan Palić – A look into the future of the aquafeed industry
Simon Jackson – Unravelling the secrets of endotoxin-mediated inflammation
Dr. Milad Manafi – The quest for mycotoxin control strategies in poultry production
Dr. Serkan Yilmaz – Exploring mycotoxin-associated genotoxicity, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity
M. Y. Sreenivasa – Facing the global mycotoxins challenge
Feed preservation and mycotoxin management: Are we talking about the same thing?
Ángel Medina – Addressing the acclimatization of mycotoxigenic fungi to climate change
Sonia Marín – Revealing the secret life of mycotoxins
Interview with Daniel Alescio
Marta Jaramillo – New perspectives on mycotoxicosis in modern poultry production
Antonio J. Ramos – Exploring the frontiers of Applied Mycology
Get the full scope on Mycotoxicosis in Swine with Panagiotis Tassis
Interview with JOG RAJ
The interview with Mariano Gorrachategui
Micotoxicosis prevention
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