Aflatoxin M1 determination in Milk Samples
using LC-MS/MS

Aflatoxin B1 is the most common contaminant found in peanuts, cottonseed meal, corn, and other feed/food grains.
Aflatoxin B1 is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract of the animals and is biotransformed primarily in the liver, by hydroxylation forming derivatives such as aflatoxin M1 which can be excreted through body fluids such as milk and in eggs also.
The aim of this work was to develop a fast and simple UHPLC-based method for the determination and accurate quantitation of Aflatoxin M1 regulated in food (EU Commission regulation (EC) Nº 1881/2006) liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry.
  • The milk samples were extracted with acetonitrile and deproteinated using centrifuge.
  • The blank milk samples were spiked with Aflatoxin M1 standard at three levels (LOQ, 5xLOQ, and 25xLOQ).
  • The average recovery of Aflatoxin M1 at the different levels 0.01, 0.05, and 0.25µg/kg varied between 79%-99%.
  • The method/curve is linear from 0.01µg/kg to 0.5µg/kg Aflatoxin M1 levels.
  • A sample of ERM® - BD284 whole milk powder was tested using this method.
The certified level of AFM1 in this sample was 0.44 µg/kg and the AFM1 level obtained using this method was 0.46 µg/kg, which varifies the accuracy of this method.
Hunor Farkaš, Jog Raj, Jelena Leković, Robert Čepela, Jasna Bošnjak, Marko Vasiljević
PATENT CO. DOO., Vlade Cetkovica, Serbia. XVIII International Symposium Feed Technology (Food Tech Congress) Novi Sad, Serbia., (2018) page no 15 (Oral presentation)
Micotoxicosis prevention
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